Cafe Post #30


Dear Cafe Readers, My chosen cafe today isn't really a coffee shop at all. It's my sister's house, but all the same, I've got a warm and cozy place to write and a mug of hot Passion tea by my side. This week, I have been taking care of sis' pets so I've moved my office a few miles from my favorite writing locations.

I'm working on two novels at the moment--quite taxing for me. I'm the type of person that considers reading two and three books at a time a real challenge--for Heaven's sake, even listening to one audio book during traffic hours and reading one novel before bed is quite challenging (though I do this often just because I crave a great story.) Okay, so I got off on a tangent for a moment.  My point is this. I'm so excited about two different ideas that I keep going back and forth debating which one should direct my focus. You know, like the adage, paralysis by analysis. I simply need to decide. Eventually, both will be written, but I cannot promise which will be first.

"So don't  keep us in the dark," you say. I promise you, I'm not keeping any deep dark genre secret here. One idea is an anecdotal book based on my pre-writing career and the other--Anna's continued story, following The Fifth Floor and Just Like Ziggy.

So there you have it. My cafe #30 post. I'm still writing. I'm still loving what I do. And most importantly, I consistently keep you, my reader in mind because writing for you means the world to me.

Sincerely, Julie